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Engine flooded
Defective Idle Air Control Valve
Burning oil
Cracked intake manifold
Throttle valve has a build up
Engine Block
Internal Combustion Engine
Intake Valve
Intake Manifold
Engine Running Rough
Exhaust gas recirculation valve malfunction
Piston rings worn
Head gasket leak
Coolant in intake
Exhaust Valve
Cylinder Head
Accessory Belt
Blown head gasket
Engine bearings worn
Burning coolant
Defective flywheel
Engine is running lean
Combustion Chamber
Engine Flywheel
Piston Rings

Brake pads or shoes are worn
Broken hardware in a drum brake system
Faulty master cylinder
Brake pedal not fully returning
Brake fluid low
Brake wear indicators touching
Brake pad shift or movement
Over adjusted drum brakes
Faulty ABS wiring
Brake hardware clip misadjusted
Rotor or drum surfaces are uneven
Brake linings are contaminated with petroleum based substances
Brake fluid leaking
Binding brake linkage
Brake fluid just low enough to actuate switch
Loose or dry brake hardware
Rocks or debris in wheels or brakes
Failure of vacuum supply to the brake booster
Blown ABS fuses
Brake pads or shoes are completely worn through the friction material
Broken or restricted brake vaccum hose
Worn brake shoes
Sticky master cylinder
Defective Parking Brake Switch
Bent dust plate or backing plate
Seized piston in a brake caliper
Hydraulic failure in the brake system
Pressure spring in a vacuum booster is broken
Disc Brakes

Exhaust restricted or plugged
Muffler outer shell broken
Hole in muffler
Broken or leaking exhaust pipe
Defective catalytic converter
Muffler hanger broken
Hole in exhaust pipe
Loose exhaust parts
Catalytic Converter

Thermostat stuck closed
Coolant is at the borderline to set the sensor
Cooling System Flush
Defective Radiator Pressure Cap

Transmission and Clutch
Transmission slipping
Low transmission fluid
Defective clutch
Clutch disc is worn
Defective clutch linkage
Defective shift linkage
Defective shift fork
Slave cylinder in a hydraulic clutch is sticking
Broken motor/transmission mount
High transmission fluid
Defective transmission shaft
Clutch disc is fluid contaminated
Defective clutch slave cylinder
Synchronizer for the gear is broken or stripped
Clutch cable is worn
Release bearing in a hydraulic clutch is sticking
Manual Transmission
Clutch Disk
Defective torque converter clutch
Stuck transmission valve in valve body
Defective transmission bearing
Clutch disc not fully engaging
Clutch pedal is stuck or jammed
Defective Gearshift
Clutch cable is binding
Clutch release components are binding
Automatic Transmission
Clutch Pedal

Interior and Accessories
Low freon or refrigerant
Blower bearings seized
Horn Relay Shorted
AC compressor has no charge or an overcharge
Air flow over the glass is too moist
Wiper motor is freezing or jamming
Defective wiper tubes
Defective rear defroster coils
Defective gas cap release switch on an electronic release
Door hinges or friction glide are worn out
Broken hot/cold switch
Blower bearings seized, loosen when warm
Defective Horn Switch
AC compressor has no power
Leaking heater core
Defective, damaged, or burnt out wiper fuse
Blown rear defroster fuse
Defective rear defroster timer mechanism
Defective gas cap release wire on an electronic release
Door striker plate is misaligned
Floor mat pushed under pedal
Vacuum supply to heater actuator broken or disconnected
Horn Switch Shorted
AC compressor inadequate operation
Defective wiper control switch
Defective wiper motor
Defective rear defroster switch
Defective gas cap release cable (on a mechanical release)
Defective gas cap release solenoid on an electronic release
Door latch is misaligned
Vents plugged or restricted
Defective Horn Relay
Horn Switch Intermittently Operates
Low cut off switch broken
Defective wiper park mechanism
Defective wiper wires
Defective rear defroster wires
Blown gas cap release fuse
Door hinges or friction glide need lubrication
Door hinges are damaged or worn

Suspension and Steering
Worn steering suspension parts
Defective or leaking shocks/struts
Suspension Leaf Spring
Universal Joint
Control Arm
Tie Rod
Bent frame suspension parts
Defective suspension parts
Torsion Bar
Power Steering
Tie Rod End
Loose or worn steering component
Shock Absorber
Suspension Air Spring
Ball Joint
Steering Knuckle
Broken or Loose Power Steering Belt

Wheels and Tires
Wheels out of balance
Faulty valve stem or core
Defective tire
Irregular Tire Wear
Rim leak
Tire Valve
Radial Cord
Improper alignment
Busted radial cord
Unevenly worn tires
Worn out wheel bearings
Tire inner liner compromised
Retread Tire
Tread Wear Indicators
Dry, rotted tire rubber
Impact break in tire
Defective wheel bearings
Improper tire sizes
Wheel Balancing

Fuel System
Low fuel pressure
Defective fuel pressure regulator
Throttle lever is sticking
Defective gas tank baffles
Restricted catalytic converter
Intake manifold gasket leak
Gas Cap
Accelerator Pump
Carburetor Barrel
Fuel Rail Assembly
Defective fuel pump
Defective mass air flow sensor
Faulty carburetor
Missing gas tank baffles
Air intake system restricted
Fuel Pump
Air Intake Duct
Fuel Injector
Idle Air Bleed Screw
Plugged fuel filter
Malfunction in the throttle position sensor
Float is stuck
Hole or rupture in the gas tank or filler neck tubing
Excess fuel in the system
Air Filter
Fuel Filter
Choke Valve
Fuel Lines
Idle Mixture Screw

Distributor or timing device sticking
Timing belt or timing chain problem
Breaker Plate
Distributor Shaft
Ignition Module
Spark Advance
Ignition System Water Intrusion

Gauges and Sensors
MAP Sensor Malfunction
ECU is picking up an intermittent or non-critical problem
Defective speedometer cable
Defective tachometer gauge
Defective temperature gauge
Defective ECU
Defective oil gauge
A gauge is borderline on its mark to set the light
Airbag control unit is defective
Defective Door Lock Sensor
Accelerator cable worn or binding
ECU detected a problem with the ABS
Defective speedometer dash gauge unit
Defective fuel gauge wiring
Defective temperature gauge wires
Short in speedometer wiring
Defective oil sensor
Check gauges light circuit is shorted
Airbag control unit is disconnected
Defective high beam dashboard light circuit
ECU has detected a problem
Faulty wheel speed sensor
Defective wiring between ECU and vehicle speed sensor
Defective fuel gauge
Stripped gear in odometer
Short in odometer wiring
Defective oil gauge wires
Defective oil sensor wiring
One of the airbag sensors failed
ECU has detected a fault in one of the operating systems
Defective vehicle speed sensor
Faulty tachometer gauge wiring
Defective temperature sensor
Stripped speedometer drive gear
Defective oil pressure sensor
A gauge is at a point needing attention
Defective odometer dash head unit
Defective theft control unit