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Brake light switch misadjusted

A misadjusted brake light switch will prevent your brake lights from working properly.

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Brake Lights Always On

A maladjusted brake light switch can be partially depressed when the brake pedal is at its resting position. This will cause the brake lights to remain on.


Loose Wiring

The wires attached to the switch may be loose, thus preventing the electrical current from flowing properly.

Defective Brake Light Switch

The brake light switch itself may be defective. If this is the case, it needs to be replaced. Your brake lights will be unable to light up with a defective switch.

Brake Light Switch Out of Position

The switch may have been knocked out of position, preventing it from functioning when the brake pedal is pressed.

This article was last edited on July 8th, 2010 at 6:25 PM
Category: Lights