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Defective rear defroster wires

The rear defroster uses wires to transfer electrical current. If these wires are defective, the defroster may receive insufficient or no current.

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Rear Defroster Doesn't Work

If the rear defroster is not defrosting or defogging the window, a defect in the wiring may be to blame. The defroster uses electric current to heat up the window, and remove frost or fog. With a reduction or absence of current, the frost or fog may remain.

Rear Defroster Doesn't Turn Off

If the defroster wiring is defective, the timer mechanism may never achieve the condition required to send a turn off signal. This will cause the defroster to remain on.

This article was last edited on July 12th, 2010 at 10:55 AM
Category: Interior and Accessories