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Window track is broken

The window track guides the window within the door frame. If the track is broken, The window may get stuck in one position or only be able to move a certain amount.

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Window Goes Partially Down

If the window is only going partially up or down, a break in the track may be the cause. The window is moved by the window regulator and guided by the track. A broken track will alter the path, and can prevent the window from moving past a certain point.

Window is Stuck

If the track is broken, the window may have fallen off. If the window crank, on manually windows, is difficult to turn or if the motor on power windows struggles, the window could be off of the track in such a way that the force applied cannot free it. A broken track can cause the window to become stuck.

This article was last edited on July 14th, 2010 at 10:40 AM
Category: Interior and Accessories