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Intake manifold gasket leak

The intake manifold delivers fuel and air into the combustion chamber. If there is a leak, the engine may not receive all of the fuel/air mixture. It may be diluted by more air being drawn in, or with the addition of other elements such as coolant.

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Exhaust Blows White Smoke

The exhaust blowing white smoke is a sign that coolant is leaking into the combustion chamber.

See burning coolant.

Engine Loses Power

If there is a leak in the intake gasket, the fuel and air may not reach reach the combustion chamber. Some of the fuel/air mixture can leak out before or during the intake stroke. It is also possible for more air to be drawn in during the intake stroke, as the vacuum is compromised.

This article was last edited on June 26th, 2010 at 11:03 AM
Category: Fuel System