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Auto Repair Shop In Plainfield, IL, Near Me

Auto Repair Shop In Plainfield, IL, Near Me

Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 2
Last Chance Auto Repair Plainfield, IL

Looking for an auto repair shop in Plainfield, near Plainfield, close to Plainfield you can trust & afford? Why is Last Chance Auto Repair the #1 local, dealership alternative, auto repair shop? Since 1978, Last Chance Auto Repair has been providing motorists in the Plainfield, Naperville, Bolingbrook, Romeoville, Illinois area with the most comprehensive auto repair services. Services include the following but are never limited to: general service, car, van, SUV, auto, truck, classic vehicle care, brakes, tires, engine & transmission, heating and cooling, electrical, oil changes, suspension, shocks & struts, timing belt & chain, exhaust, towing & roadside assistance, domestic & foreign vehicle service A-Z. You break it, Last Chance Auto Repair fixes it, with a nearly famous low cost quality guarantee included. Our goal is to offer the best services available at affordable prices that will get you back on the road in no time, without breaking your bank, while we do what we love to do, all while we make money. We are a family owned and operated automotive service and repair facility that takes great pride in our superior reputation. If your not happy, we're not happy. We don't cut corners, period. We take pride in the quality of our work, and we give each customer the same great value, quality service, no matter how big or small the job is. Your satisfaction and safety is our priority. Questions? Want to schedule an appointment? Call now, later, 24-7! Last Chance Auto Repair is located at 12052 S Naper-Plainfield Rd Plainfield, IL 60585 and can be reached at (815)577-0327 now, later, 24-7.

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