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Seized wheel cylinder

A seized wheel cylinder can create problems with braking. Wheel cylinders are used in drum brakes to push the shoe against the drum. If the wheel cylinder is seized, depending on its position, it will either lock the wheel in place, or not engage the brakes.

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Brakes Won't Release

If the brakes on one wheel will not disengage, a seized wheel cylinder may be to blame. Since each wheel has its own brake, the lock up may occur on only one wheel.

Brakes Won't Engage

If the brakes will not engage, the wheel cylinder may be seized in a position preventing the shoe from making contact with the drum. This may result in an uneven stopping pattern, as the other brakes engage, but leave one wheel spinning.

This article was last edited on July 4th, 2010 at 9:27 PM
Category: Brakes