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Seat slide unit is stripped

Seats are designs to slide and lock in place to allow for easy adjustment. The seat slide unit has teeth that catch the seat and prevent it from moving. If these teeth wear down, the seat can slide freely as if it was being adjusted. If only some of the teeth are stripped, the seat will hold in some positions, but slide in others.

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Seat Slides

A partially stripped seat slide unit may catch the seat at some points, but forces from driving may dislodge it. The teeth may have enough strength to hold the seat in place from low forces. If the passenger can move the seat with his legs, the wear on the slide unit may be severe. If the seat only slides during braking or acceleration, the wear may be light.

Seat Won't Lock into Place

If the seat will not lock into place, check to see if it does on a lower or high position. If the seat will lock in a different position, the teeth for the particular section are stripped. However, if the seat will not lock in any position, the whole unit may be stripped, or the locking mechanism may be damaged.

This article was last edited on July 7th, 2010 at 7:41 PM
Category: Interior and Accessories