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Headlight switch is stuck in the on position

If the headlight switch is stuck in the on position, the headlight circuit will remain closed and keep the headlights on. If the switch is able to move, but the headlights remain on, it may be disconnected. One sign of this is a reduction in the resistance of the knob, lever, or button(depending on the vehicle). A disconnected switch will be easier to move.

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Headlights Always On

Since the headlight switch allows the driver to control the headlights, if it is stuck in the on position, the lights will remain on. This can be a drain on the battery in vehicles that allow lights to remain on when a key is not in the ignition. Removing the headlight fuse can fix this temporarily until the switch is fixed.

This article was last edited on July 13th, 2010 at 10:55 PM
Category: Lights