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Door linking rods are broken

Broken door linking rods, or cables, will prevent the door handle from releasing the latch and opening the door. The rods or cables, depending on the vehicle, are connected to the handle. When the handle is pulled, it pivots. This motion pulls the rods attached to the latch, releasing it. If the rods or cables are broken, the door handle will have no effect on the latch.

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Door Will Not Open

If the door will not open, the linking rods or cable may be broken. If, when the handle is pulled, there is still some tension, the rods may be broken more toward the latch than the handle. There may also be a very slight dragging sound from the door when the handle is pulled. The rod or cable will move ever so slightly when the handle is pulled. As it moves, it may make contact with other parts of the door, causing noise.

This article was last edited on July 10th, 2010 at 12:46 PM
Category: Interior and Accessories